In this category we have Yo Mama Jokes! We have collected the Best Yo Mama Jokes for you to use in your MSN Names and Quotes! the Funny Yo Mama Jokes include different categories like yo mama so fat, yo mama so stupid, yo mama so ugly, yo mama so poor and lots more. You can even send us your very 'Yo Mama Jokes' by using this submission form.
Funny Names
Funny yo mama jokes for MSN Names.
Funny names: Yo Mama MSN Names
Yo mama is so fat that the only thing stoping her from Jenny Craig is the door!
Yo mama so fat she fits on both sides of the family
Yo mama has green hair and thinks she's a tree.
Yo mama so stupid she put out the cigarette butt that was heating your house.
Yo mama teeth are so rotten, when she smiles they look like dice.