In this category we have Yo Mama Jokes! We have collected the Best Yo Mama Jokes for you to use in your MSN Names and Quotes! the Funny Yo Mama Jokes include different categories like yo mama so fat, yo mama so stupid, yo mama so ugly, yo mama so poor and lots more. You can even send us your very 'Yo Mama Jokes' by using this submission form.
Yo Mama Jokes
Loads of funny Yo Mama Jokes that you can use in your MSN Messenger names, or anything else.
Best Yo Mama Jokes
Yo mama's house is so dusty the roaches ride around on dune buggys
Yo mama's missing a finger and can't count past 9
Yo mama's so clumsy she got tangled up in a cordless phone
Yo mama's glasses are so thick she can see into the future