MSN Display Pictures Adder - Quickly Add MSN Display Pictures!
MSN Display Pictures Adder - Quickly Add MSN Display Pictures!MSN Display Pictures Adder
The MSN Display Picture adder allows you to quickly import any folder containing images into MSN Messenger as Display Pictures. Allows for quick and effortless adding of new MSN Display Pictures, such as downloaded picture packages. Once you have the pictures in a folder, you just point the Display Picture Adder to that folder and everything will be added to MSN as Display Pictures within a few seconds. This eliminates the tedious task of individually adding MSN Display Pictures.
Download MSN Display Picture Adder
You can download MSN Display Picture Adder v1.0 (24 kb) for free use with MSN Messenger 6 and 7!
 Download MSN Display Picture Adder
MSN Display Picture Adder Screenshot
Here is a screenshot of the MSN Display Picture adder:
MSN Display Pictures for adding
If you need some MSN Display Picture packs to add to your MSN Messenger with the free MSN Display Pic Adder, just visit the MSN Display Pictures area of Messenger Tools for a lot of free Display Picture Packs!