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Heartbroken MSN Names

Heartbroken MSN Names for those of you who hve had their hearts broken, or are going through a break up! We'll be adding more heartbroken MSN Screen Names very soon, and be sure to send us your nick names as well.

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Heart broken MSN Names

  • Didn't we almost have it all?
  • Loving is so short and forgetting so long.
  • I can't cry hard enough for you to hear me.
  • The tears I wish to wipe away, will run unchecked for another day. Alas, that is the price I pay.
  • Once upon a time I was falling in love, but now I'm only falling apart...
  • You gotta hurt in order to know, fall in order to grow, lose in order to gain, because most of lifes lessons are learned because of pain.
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