Fixing sign-in error 80048883 for MSN Messenger 7.5
Thursday, January 26, 2006 (17:08:10)

Posted by admin

MSN Messenger team member Leah has posted a new fix for Error 80048883 which prevents MSN Messenger 7.5 users from signing-in.

Here are the details of the work around for MSN 7.5:

  1. Download the following file: - If you can't access the file, try downloading it from
  2. Change the file extension to .DLL (if not download from our site)
  3. Now place the file into C:\Documents and Settings\[Windows Username]\Application Data\Microsoft\IdentityCRL\ and overwite the existing file.
  4. Optionally reboot your computer.
  5. Attempt to sign-in again using MSN Messenger.

Hopefully this will fix the problem, otherwise try visiting

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Original article: Fixing sign-in error 80048883 for MSN Messenger 7.5