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News > MSN Messenger World's Best App Bonus Round Winners!
MSN Messenger World's Best App Bonus Round Winners!
Posted by admin on Thursday, October 27, 2005 (00:59:51) (5760 reads)
MSN Messenger 7 & MSN 7.5

Here are the winners of the MSN Messenger World's Best App bonus contest!

These are the first 5 developers to complete their applications/activities and are awarded a $200 Amazon.com Gift Certificate! Check out their MSN Messenger activities here:

  1. Hangman
  2. Tankwars
  3. Cards exchange
  4. Chingo
  5. T4IM

To start the above MSN Messenger activities you need to be running Internet Explorer and signed into MSN Messenger!

The MSN Messenger World's Best App contest ends on December 31, 2005 and the winner will receive a Laptop Computer!

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NewsMSN Messenger 7 & MSN 7.5Windows Live / MSN Messenger 8.0

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