Posted by
admin on Thursday, October 06, 2005 (03:26:51) (3493 reads)
According to a recent press release from the IMlogic Threat Center, the IM client most targetted by malicious code and worm writers is MSN Messenger.
MSN Messenger was the most targetted client, drawing 62% of all attacks. AOL Instant Messenger followed next with 31% and Yahoo Messenger was the least affected with only 7%.
IMlogic, Inc. is the market leader in enterprise software for instant messaging, the world’s fastest growing communications medium of all time.
IMlogic, Inc. is the market leader in enterprise software for instant messaging, the world’s fastest growing communications medium of all time. The largest Fortune 1000 companies across the financial services, energy, healthcare, government, media, telecommunications, technology, and manufacturing industries depend on IMlogic to manage, control and secure corporate IM usage, while satisfying compliance requirements associated with real-time electronic communications. For more information on IMlogic call 877-IMlogic or visit