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News > More details about MSN Messenger on Xbox 360
More details about MSN Messenger on Xbox 360
Posted by admin on Friday, August 26, 2005 (19:12:53) (6433 reads)
MSN Messenger 7 & MSN 7.5

As we reported earlier this month about the possibility of using MSN Messenger on the XBox 360, the official Microsoft owned countdown website has been updated to now include a small hint that has appeared on the site this week. One of the apples on the tree is now displaying a shadow that very closely resembles the outline of the MSN Messenger Logo (AKA the MSN Man and MSN Guy). To the right you can see a comparision of the teaser: On the left you see the original teaser as appears on the Microsoft website and on the right you see the MSN Messenger logo placed on top of the outline, a perfect fit!

So you can be almost certain of the fact that the next gen gaming console will be compatible with MSN Messenger in some ways. More will be revealed in the coming weeks as we near the launch of the Microsoft XBox 360!

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