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News > MSM Messenger 7.5 on Windows 98, ME & 2000?
MSM Messenger 7.5 on Windows 98, ME & 2000?
Posted by admin on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 (02:57:42) (40252 reads)
MSN Messenger 7 & MSN 7.5

Although it has not been possible to install MSN Messenger 7.5 on Microsoft Operating Systems older than Windows XP during the BETA cycle, this is now in concrete with no changes to this since the release of MSN Messenger 7.5 Final. The official MSN Messenger website states:

'Voice Clips and Dynamic Backgrounds require Windows XP® operating system.'

MSN Messenger 7.5 is however compatible with Windows Server 2003 as well.

There have been some rumours of patching the MSN Messenger 7.5 installer in order to force it to install on pre-XP systems, but this has not yet been confirmed. Other unwanted issues may also arise due to bypassing this requirement in the MSN Messenger 7.5 installer.

For more details on the minimum requirements for running the newest version of MSN Messenger, head over to our MSN Messenger 7.5 category page.

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