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News > Example MSN Messenger 7.5 weblink HTML Code
Example MSN Messenger 7.5 weblink HTML Code
Posted by admin on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 (18:28:48) (78465 reads)
MSN Messenger 7 & MSN 7.5

Here is some example HTML code for using the new weblinks available in MSN Messenger 7.5.0299. The new weblinks allow you to provoke 4 different functions in MSN Messenger 7.5: Adding a contact, Starting a Chat, Starting a Video Chat and Starting an Audio Conversation, right from any HTML page.

So if you want readers of your website or blog to add you to MSN Messenger, you simply place a line of HTML with the MSN 7.5 web link on your page and when it is clicked, the user will be prompted to easily add you to their list. Of course the user must be running the latest MSN 7.5 (build 7.5.0299 and newer).

Here is some example code to get started with:

Use this code for adding MSN Messenger contacts:
<a href="msnim:add?contact=example@hotmail.com">Click Here To Add Contact</a>

Use this code for starting an MSN Messenger chat:
<a href="msnim:chat?contact=example@hotmail.com">Click Here To Start a Conversation</a>

Use this code for starting an MSN Messenger video chat:
<a href="msnim:video?contact=example@hotmail.com">Click Here To Start a Video Chat</a>

Use this code for starting an MSN Messenger Audio chat:
<a href="msnim:voice?contact=example@hotmail.com">Click Here To Start Audio Chat</a>

Example of an MSN Messenger weblink in action:
Click Here To Add example@hotmail.com to your contact list

Remember that in each command, example@hotmail.com represents the email address of the person to be added to the contact list or to start the chat with, so you would place your own email there if you want people to use the link to add you or chat to you.

Update: These links currently only work properly when used in Internet Explorer, FireFox support should be added shortly.

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MSN Messenger 7 & MSN 7.5

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