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News > MSN Messenger 5.0 for Mac Launched!
MSN Messenger 5.0 for Mac Launched!
Posted by admin on Tuesday, August 09, 2005 (06:35:21) (10897 reads)

Microsoft has launched a new version of its MSN Messenger instant-messaging client for Apple Computer Inc.'s operating system, MSN Messenger for Mac 5.0

The Messenger 5.0 has a few new features designed to appeal to the user as well. Instead of grouping all buddies—work and otherwise—in one window, the new version sports a tabbed interface that will allow someone to keep company-related buddies on one tab and personal buddies on another tab.

Lefebvre also mentioned that the new Messenger will have more of a "Mac look and feel" and have tools that allow for more visual personalization. Now, users will be able to upload icons that will appear inline with the text and can display animated and custom-created emoticons. The interface also has the same brushed steel look as the rest of the Mac OS X platform. Mac MSN Messenger users should be happy to see some of these features, which were implemented into the Windows version of MSN Messenger in 2003 (MSN Messenger 6).

When MSN Messenger was released last year, Apple users who were unhappy that the Mac version of the software lagged behind the PC version started on online petition drive. They demanded that Microsoft include custom backgrounds, the ability to display pictures and emoticons, game and integrated webcam functionality, voice capability and mobile phone messaging.

The petition seems to have reached Microsoft's ears, although the Lefebvre made no mention of any new video capabilities in the latest release. MSN Messenger 6 for Windows allows users to chat via Web cams. Competitor AOL Instant Messenger suports video chats between its AIM client for Windows and Apple's iChat AV application. No word yet on whether this will be added to MSN Messenger for Mac at a later date.

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