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News > Downloading MSN 7.5 - Get MSN Messenger 7.5 download link
Downloading MSN 7.5 - Get MSN Messenger 7.5 download link
Posted by admin on Saturday, July 01, 2006 (02:42:22) (65016 reads)
MSN Messenger 7 & MSN 7.5

With the recent launch of Live Messenger 8.0 and the overhaul of the old MSN Messenger websites, it has become slightly difficult to download a copy of the 'old' MSN Messenger 7.5 as all the websites and links are now pointing to the new Windows Live Messenger download.

It is possible to downgrade back to Messenger 7.5 if you have updated to Live Messenger 8.0 and aren't happy to stick with it. You can download the installer for MSN Messenger 7.5 (version 7.5.0324) from the link below.

> Download MSN 7.5 - Approx. 9MB - Microsoft Mirror

Continue to read the full article for more details on downgrading to MSN Messenger 7.5.

To re-install MSN Messenger 7.5:

  1. Completely uninstall Windows Live Messenger (optionally restart your computer)
  2. Download and run the MSN 7.5 installer from the link above.
If everything goes ok, you should be back to MSN Messenger 7.5 with all your settings, Display Pictures, Emoticons and MSN Icons still intact.

And if you're worried about losing your MSN Messenger 7.5 installation, you should keep a backup copy of the above installer so that you can always get MSN 7.5 back.

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