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News > Download Windows Live Messenger Final - (fka MSN) Messenger 8.0.0787
Download Windows Live Messenger Final - (fka MSN) Messenger 8.0.0787
Posted by admin on Tuesday, June 20, 2006 (08:05:37) (11401 reads)
Windows Live / MSN Messenger 8.0

You can finally download the final version of Windows Live Messenger! The build number of this final release is 8.0.0787 (or Messenger 8.0.0787.00 to be exact).

Not many big changes in this version: it's no longer a BETA version (which means a lot of bug fixes) and several interface and graphical changes have been applied.

Unfortunately it also looks like we'll have to do some more waiting before we can chat with people on Yahoo Messenger, but the wait is certainly going to be worth it! Go ahead and download it below.

>> Download it NOW!
>> Visit the official website

With Messenger 8.0 now final, we'll be bringing you a lot more news, tips, tricks and content - so be sure to check back soon!

Important Note: Please keep in mind that Windows Live Messenger only runs on Windows XP or newer and also requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 with SP1 or newer to be installed. So this is most likely the reason why you can not download or install Messenger 8.0 if you use an older operating system like Windows 2000, ME or even 98. Users of these older operating systems will need to continue using MSN Messenger 7.5. You can also check out the full system requirements for Live Messenger.

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NewsMSN Messenger 7 & MSN 7.5Windows Live / MSN Messenger 8.0Messenger

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