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News > Official MSN Messenger website redesigned
Official MSN Messenger website redesigned
Posted by admin on Thursday, June 15, 2006 (09:17:00) (12713 reads)
MSN Messenger 7 & MSN 7.5 New MSN Messenger website

The official MSN Messenger website located at http://messenger.msn.com/ has been re-designed.

The address now redirects to "Microsoft Online Services" (located at http://join.msn.com/messenger/overview/). The new website provides a general overview of MSN Messenger and provides quick download links to the installer.

There is certainly a lot of new developments in the MSN Messenger realm these days! It will be interesting to see what direction the 'old' MSN Messenger 7.x website takes once Windows Live Messenger is released later this month.

>> Click Here to check out the new website

It seems the page is still being worked on as this article was posted! The redirect is also affecting all the old regional Messenger websites such as messenger.ninemsn.com.au and messenger.msn.com.br

For all the information on MSN Messenger 7, just check out our MSN 7 special on this page!

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