Posted by
admin on Tuesday, June 13, 2006 (08:00:35) (4564 reads)
Although the Windows Live Messenger 8.0 BETA is set to end shortly, no clear date for a final release of Messenger 8.0 has been set.
Some speculations of a June 16 release have been made, but there is no concrete evidence to back this up. The last official word confirms that a Yahoo enabled version of Messenger is being tested, but no word on the release date. Naturally, a lot of users are very excited to be finally able to IM across the MSN and Yahoo worlds!
One thing that seems rather strange would be releasing a final version of Messenger 8.0 without BETA testing the very important Yahoo Messenger interoperability, so don't be surprised if we have to go through one more BETA before its all over!
You can keep up with the latest MSN Messenger releases and news by visiting our very own Windows Live Messenger 8.0 page.