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News > FAQ: Will I lose my Emoticons & Display Pictures by upgrading to MSN Messenger 8
FAQ: Will I lose my Emoticons & Display Pictures by upgrading to MSN Messenger 8
Posted by admin on Saturday, May 27, 2006 (00:15:02) (5002 reads)
Windows Live / MSN Messenger 8.0

A common question about installing the new MSN Messenger 8.0: Will I lose all the emoticons and display pics that I added to MSN Messenger 7.5?

The upgrade process from MSN Messenger 7.5 should be smooth and all your Emoticons and MSN Display Pictures should load up straight away in Windows Live Messenger when you install it. They will also remain there if you decide to uninstall version 8.0 and go back to using Messenger 7.5.

If you are really concerned about losing your emoticons and display pics, you should always create a backup using a tool such as the CE/DP Backup Wizard.

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