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News > Windows Live Messenger 8.0 BETA now needs sign-up
Windows Live Messenger 8.0 BETA now needs sign-up
Posted by admin on Wednesday, March 22, 2006 (16:39:13) (6377 reads)
Windows Live / MSN Messenger 8.0

We reported earlier about Windows Live Messenger 8.0 going public. Although anyone could sign-in with their account using Windows Live Messenger 8.0.0566, Microsoft is now enforcing a mandatory sign-up process before you can sign in using the 8.0 BETA.

To sign up for the Windows Live Messenger 8.0 BETA program, just head over to this page and complete the process to get immediate access!

There is some debate regarding whether the general public was intentionally allowed to sign-in to Messenger 8.0 or it was due to an error. Users who are not invited and have not signed up for the BETA will now receive this error when signing in with MSN Messenger 8.0:

The passport ID used to sign in is not allowed access to this Beta version of Messenger. 810003cc

Having the sign-up process has several advantages. First off, it means that users must agree to the BETA program Terms and Conditions before even downloading the software. It also allows Microsoft to limit the number of people using the MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA at anytime by pausing the sign-up process or introducing a waiting list similar to the one before. In the worst case scenario, if a critical (security) problem is found in the Messenger BETA, Microsoft can block users from signing in. These reasons alone make the sign-up process an important part of the BETA testing cycle.

For more MSN Messenger 8.0 resources, visit this page.

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