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News > Fixing error 80048820 in MSN Messenger - Sign in error code 80048820
Fixing error 80048820 in MSN Messenger - Sign in error code 80048820
Posted by admin on Friday, March 17, 2006 (22:01:58) (117091 reads)

Do you receive Error Code 80048820 when attempting to sign into MSN Messenger? This is a possible solution for fixing error 80048820.

This is often caused due to Incorrect Time/Date Settings in Windows. So the first thing you should do is make sure that you system has got the correct clock settings. To change the system time setting, just double-click on the time display on your Taskbar (usually in the lower right corner of your screen).

So once you have put in the correct time settings, you can try to sign-in with Messenger again and hopefully error 80048820 will be gone. If you are a little paranoid, feel free to restart MSN Messenger or just reboot your computer.

This solution does not always resolve MSN Messenger's error 80048820, but it works in a lot of cases where the system clock does not have the correct settings.

Other applications can sometimes change the system time, or it could have been manually changed by someone else for a reason. For example if you set your system clock to the year 2003 and try to sign in with MSN 7.5, you'll almost immediately get error 80048820 (with no other helpful hints). And strangely enough, when the MSN Messenger connection troubleshooter was run for error 80048820, it reported back with problems in our Proxy Settings.

Also see our fixes for MSN Messenger errors 80048883 and 16xx errors (such as 1601, 1635).

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