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News > The new WLM / MSN Messenger (8.0) Logo
The new WLM / MSN Messenger (8.0) Logo
Posted by admin on Wednesday, March 15, 2006 (00:33:45) (7620 reads)
Windows Live / MSN Messenger 8.0 The new MSN Messenger 8.0 Logo

As mentioned in our earlier News post about Windows Live Messenger 8.0.0566, Messenger 8.0 is now using a much improved logo as you can see on the left.

In previous build of the MSN Messenger 8.0 and Live Messenger BETA, a wider (somewhat out of proportion) icon was used, which was not exactly easy on the eyes. Apparently the MSN Guy (or Messenger Buddy Icon) had gotten a little fat due to too much Pizza.

The final version of Messenger 8.0 is still quite a while away, so this might not be the final MSN Messenger Logo, although it does look great!

We have also created a Display Picture version of the MSN guy Logo, for those of you who may want to use the cool new Messenger logo as your MSN Display Picture! You can grab the display pic from here.

For loads more MSN Messenger 8.0 resources go here. You can also go and grab some display pics from our selection of MSN Display Pictures.

Stay tuned to MessengerTools for the latest Windows Live Messenger and MSN Messenger news!

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NewsMSN Messenger 7 & MSN 7.5Windows Live / MSN Messenger 8.0Messenger

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