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News > Disable the MSN Today popup in MSN Messenger
Disable the MSN Today popup in MSN Messenger
Posted by admin on Friday, March 10, 2006 (20:16:15) (18227 reads)

The MSN Today popup is a small window that appears every time you sign into Messenger and was first introduced in MSN Messenger 6. This popup contains the latest news, services, content and ads from MSN.

This popup loads and appears every time you sign in, and for this reason, it is considered to be an annoyance by many people. Of course, many people also enjoy MSN Today for its quick access to things such as Hotmail and Search, as well as its Entertainment related news and content.

We have had several requests for instruction on how to turn off MSN Today, luckily there is an easy way to remove the popup in MSN Messenger 6.x and 7.x!

For MSN Messenger 7.5 and 7.0:

  1. Sign into MSN Messenger 7.x using your account
  2. From the main Contact List window, click on the Tools menu and then select Options...
  3. Click on General in the list of option on the left side of the options Window
  4. Uncheck the Checkbox that reads Display MSN Today when Messenger signs in
  5. Sign out and back in to verify that it worked!

For MSN Messenger 6:

  1. Open the Options Window as per the instructions above (for MSN 7)
  2. Click on the General tab
  3. Uncheck the Checkbox that reads Display MSN Today when Messenger signs in
  4. Sign out and back in to verify that it worked!

Please note that if you want to block the MSN Today Popup for more than one Messenger account, you will need to apply the above instructions to each account individually.

MSN Today in Messenger 8
As at this time, the popup has has been removed from the Windows Live Messenger BETA versions (current version: 8.0.0566). It has been mentioned that there are no significant plans to resurrect the MSN Today Popup in the final version of Windows Live Messenger 8. However, as we mentioned before, the MSN Today homepage is used by a large amount of people and is also of significant value to MSN, so it is quite likely that there will be something similar implemented in the final version of Live Messenger (which is still months away).

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