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News > FAQ: Can I make my own animated MSN Display Picture?
FAQ: Can I make my own animated MSN Display Picture?
Posted by admin on Saturday, February 25, 2006 (03:49:25) (28856 reads)
MSN Display Pictures

This is a question that comes up quite often: How can I make my own animated MSN Display Pic?

Quick and Short answer: No. only authorized MSN partners are able to create dynamic content for MSN Messenger (such as Dynamic Display Pics, MSN Winks, and dynamic bakgrounds).

The first idea is to try setting an animated GIF image as your MSN display pic, but this won't work. MSN Messenger will extract the first frame from the animation and use that as your display picture.

This issue was also brought up during a Windows Live Messenger Beta chat with the Messenger develpment team in December 2005. The Messenger team stated that at that time, there had been absolutely no plans for implementing custom Animated MSN Display Pictures, including GIF images.

For more Frequently Asked Questions about MSN Display Pictures, you can visit our Display Pics FAQ page!.

We also offer lots of cool Display Pictures for MSN that you can download by visiting the MSN Display Pics page!

Associated Topics

MSN Display PicturesMSN Messenger 7 & MSN 7.5Windows Live / MSN Messenger 8.0

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