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News > Fix MSN Messenger Installer Error 1601 and other 16XX Errors
Fix MSN Messenger Installer Error 1601 and other 16XX Errors
Posted by admin on Thursday, January 26, 2006 (01:47:36) (45326 reads)
MSN Messenger 7 & MSN 7.5

A lot of MSN Messenger user have been complaining about receiving errors such as Error 1601 and Error 1635 from the Microsoft Windows Installer while attempting to install MSN Messenger on their computer.

In a recent thread on the MSN Messenger section of the MSDN forums, there has been some discussion on how the errors can be fixed. You can read the thread by going to http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=186911&SiteID=1.

In short, the solution seems to lie in running the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility which is available for free download from Microsoft. Several users have already posted to confirm that the solution has fixed the error for them.

These solution applies to errors received while attempting to Install MSN Messenger, and is not related to the many other Sign-In Errors. This fix applies to some of these error codes:

  • MSN Messenger Error 1601
  • MSN Messenger Error 1603
  • MSN Messenger Error 1635

Visit the MSDN forums thread for the latest information.

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